Parade Cloud, We Are The Solution.

Parade Cloud provides the parade organizer and its users the ability to consolidate their many tasks by orchestrating their parade from one platform. From online registration, customizable unit lineups, to assigning tasks, tracking volunteers and sponsors, budgeting and so much more, we are the only solution to organizing a successful parade.

With the ability to post a link on your website for sponsors, volunteers, and businesses to register establishes credibility and provides up to the minute information about your parades progress. With the easy Line-Up function, you can quickly grab and alter the scheduled lineup so you will never run into a case on parade day where competing businesses are overlapping. By color coding the floats by genre, you can instantly see if there are businesses who are to close together and need to be spaced out. Our software allows you to drag and drop a single unit or a group of units to the exact location you desire. You can also customize the color codes to reflect noise level, vehicle type, and their staging area.


Once you have procured volunteers, you can set up tasks for them to accomplish and you can communicate with them in real time from the software as well for instant tracking of completed tasks. Volunteers do not get access to the software itself but can be communicated with through the program so that you can document all of your interactions.


Sponsors and participants of the parade can have access to the program which will allow them to provide any information in regards to their participation right on file for you to accept or decline. By having your sponsors included in the program (at no additional charge) you can see up to the second status changes. You can also assign tasks for them to complete so you will never miss a step.


The Budget Tracking function will allow you to stick to your budget by tracking entry fees, sponsorship’s, paid units, and other expenses. Most importantly, the Parade Cloud program documents everything. Our innovative tracking system records who did what and when. You’ll always know what happened with our detailed parade journal.


Parade Cloud is your one-stop shop for organizing your parade. To see what other amazing functions we have to offer and what is coming in the very near future, visit our Facebook page and website Make sure to Like and Follow so you can stay up to date with all of the new additions we will be unveiling.


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